Tuesday, September 9, 2014

they wont let me quit.

You know how people say "Why would this be The job for Me, when I have Quit all my other jobs." Its kind of like saying "Why would this relationship work out, when all my others have failed." Ok maybe people dont really say it like that, but just hear me out. See before a Husband, Kids, & real Adulthood set in.. I was free. :) Really, I would get a job, Learn everything about it, I mean master the job just about. But given I am an Extrovert, jobs get boring. Yep, I have quit all of my jobs by the 2yr mark. I was offered assist. manag. or manag. And yep, I went on vacation came back and turned in my 2week notice. Because I knew this wasn't the Job for me, I must Move ON. Until now, I have for the past 9years held the Same job as a Stay at Home Mom, or S@HM for short. This has been the hardest of all. I master one stage, or so I thought at the time(I dont think one really "Masters" being a mom, or the stages of ones children) It's hard. Then a new one comes on. Op, then throw in another kid in the mix. WOW. My Mother a single partent of 4 made it look way easier, and I have only 3kids plus a Husband.. Some would call that having 4kids. laugh. But thats not the case here. Each day it's like, ok lets just all make it throught this day alive. Nobody get hurt; lost, stoll, sick, Bleed, & etc. The list could go on for a while. At some point I felt lost, like what am I even doing. Exhale. Breath, you don't need to cry because you burnt dinner & there is no other food cause you were going to go shopping the next day, the dishes in the dishwasher you forgot to wash, & now one of the kids tells you they have an ear infection. Inhale. count 1 2 3 Exhale. God has you just where he wants you. It's not the sitcom 30minute everthing worked it's self out kind of life. It's real. It's messy. But think to yourself everytime you feel a Moment is creaping on say to yourself "Will This Matter A Year From Now?" I bet you, like 99% of those moments the answer is No. NO, it will Not matter one bit.. Breath, Smile, & just enjoy, cause yes the time gose way to fast. Then Thank God For every Moment.. They wont let me quit. And I dont want to any ways.

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